(C)1991 Scott Szretter - Please see the file "COPYRITE.SPS"
This module will allow your users to create a 'wish list' on your bbs.
To install the module, copy it with resedit (it should be called 'wish' in the distibution arcive) into the mubbs modules file - renumbering if necessary.
There should be a folder called "wish" in the same directory as your 'modules' file.
This folder should contain:
modulename.info - The wishlist
modulename.help - The user help screen
modulename.intro - The introduction screen
(Where modulename is the name of the module. ("wish") in the distribution archive.)
Edit these files with a plain text editor like Jolliwrite, or Vantage, or MacWrite and save as text.
To call the module, simply call it by it's name.
When the module is called, it will present the user with a menu of 5 commands.
"Quit" will simply exit the user back
to the calling module or menu.
"Logoff" will log the user off of the system.
"Display" will display the wish list file to
the user. (modulename.info)
"Add" will allow the user to add to the wish list.
"Help" will display the file wish.help in
the wish folder. (modulename.help)
The actual wish list is kept in a folder called "wish", and the file name is "modulename.info" (If the module is called 'wish', then the file would be in the folder called wish, and the file would be called 'wish.info').
This module has been tested, but I take no responsibility for any damages that may occur from using this module.
Wish lists are usually lists of software users want, or anything you can think of.
- Look for more good Modules by Scott Szretter of HMM BBS in Mass.
1.0 -> 1.1 --
Added "Your wish has been added to the list.".
Fixed bug in writing to the wishlist (sorry about that...)
1.1 -> 1.2 --
Added sysop display status's, Added date to wish list display,
Added intro screen, Made help screen come from file, Fixed the writing to the log - sorry... & a few cleanups.
1.2 -> 1.3 --
Fixed bug where users wish gets added to INTRO file...
1.3 -> 1.4 --
Made some error reporting improvements, Fixed a POSSIBLE bug, added better user interface, Changed programmers name.